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A Tip From A Cat Expert – Pine Cat Litter Smells Fresh!

Tip From Cat Expert, DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. 

Clay litters have been cat approved since 1948 and are the cheapest and available even at grocery stores. The problem is they smell!

In my opinion, pine pellet cat litter is the most cost effective. It controls odors well, it’s affordable, and needs less scooping than a clumping litter, and is pretty much dust free of all the biodegradable chemical free litters. I highly recommend it to rescue people who cage cats upon arrival.

Rescue people with lots of free-roaming cats that use pine pellet litter have been known to use food service gloves and a bucket to hand-pick the feces from the box and toss the buckets remains in the toilet. All that is left is the urine soaked sawdust to dump in the trash another time.

With some people more sensitive to the smell of the used pine’s sawdust, I recommend in Community Animal Network’s multi-cat rescue houses to use a six inch kitchen frying tool called a skimmer. It works well to sift to separate the unused pine pellets from the urine soaked sawdust to toss out to keep a home from selling like a cattery.

Now, some cats may resist the strange feel of the pine pellets on their pads in the beginning. Therefore, people choosing a pine cat litter should slowly transition the animal over to use it exclusively by placing a few cups of the dirty used cat litter with the animals’ scent on top of the pellets and gradually increase the pine pellets. Another idea is to have two litterboxes next to each other and give cats a choice.

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